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Keweenaw Family Resource Center Invites Mom and Dad to the Parent Cafe

Opening space for kids to play comes pretty easy to the staff of Keweenaw Family Resource Center. But the organization also opens space for parents to connect with others in the community. Regardless of age, anyone can learn something from talking with others and also growing in experience. Tomorrow Keweenaw Family Resource will host its Parent Café. Offering a space for parents in the Copper Country to meet each other, and talk about parenting topics that connect to different protective factors. KFRC wants to help parents discover healthy outcomes for their children, and by offering a place for parents to meet allows them to hear about parenting practices from other family units. The parent café is free and does offer a meal and childcare for those attending. The Keweenaw Family Resource Center does ask parents interested in joining the group at tomorrow’s café to register by contacting the group. Those interested in attending the Parent café should register, please call Kevin at 906.482.9363.

The KFRC Parent Cafe will begin at 5:30 pm in Hirvonen Hall.

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