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Keweenaw County Commission Wrap: Keweenaw County 911 Committee Tower Audit Taking Place Next Week

Keweenaw County has tabled action for a change order to the sheriff’s new building project. The change order will install waterlines in the floor of the garage for the in-floor heating, and add additional space for parking between the sheriff office and garage. The county will look to receive bids on the change order due to the steep estimated price of 43,000 dollars. A mistake in the project’s drawing overlooked the placement of the water line, which is necessary for the in-floor heating.

Keweenaw County also motioned to have the Pasty.net upgrades delayed until the radio tower audit can take place next week. Keweenaw County and the 911 committee own the tower that Pasty.net uses to service internet in  the area, and wished to have all plans set in place or new equipment before anything is moved on the tower. The county hopes that Pasty.net may have the chance to make their upgrades sometime within the next month.

And last Keweenaw County will look into the ability to combine it’s equalization department with Houghton County’s department. The county has plans to meet with Jakob Djerf from Houghton County’s equalization department to work out some more details on what a merge may look like. The county did table further action on combining the two county’s equalization efforts until more details can be ironed out.

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