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Karyn Juntunen Joins Copper Shores’ Staff as the Farm to School Coordinator

Karyn Juntunen joins the Copper Shores team of professional staff as the new Farm to School Coordinator. In her new role with Copper Shores Community Health Foundation, Juntunen will take charge of the Farm to School Program, which helps begin fresh farm-grown food for local school districts. The program was funded originally by a 150,000 dollar matching grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, which Copper Shores added to. Before coming to Copper Shores Juntunen worked for 25 years in the Copper Country Intermediate School district. With the ISD she was a leader for the Greenhouse program. After the CCISD was gifted a greenhouse by Copper Country Mental Health, she spearheaded work to secure grant funds for moving the structure. To start Juntunen will work with three school districts, Adams Township Schools, Houghton Portage Township Schools, and Stanton Township Public Schools.

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