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Houghton’s Planning Commission Send Two Recommendations to the City Council

Houghton Planning Commission held a series of public hearings and has made two recommendations to the city council. Houghton Planning Commission Chairman Tom Merz opened the public hearing. First, he began by asking for public input for the city of Houghton’s recreation plan. The city’s recreation plan has been worked on alongside the city’s master plan updates. Houghton, like other municipalities in the state, is required to submit a copy of its recreation plan before moving forward with approving an updated master plan. Houghton’s recreation plan can be found in the master plan in chapter four. A second public hearing was held for a special land use permit at 7023 Sandpiper Drive. The property owner plans to build a single-structure home, that will include a accessory dwelling attachment. Both the planning commission’s recommendations for the recreation plan and special land use permit have been recommended to the city council. A third public hearing for a proposed ordinance was held. The ordinance would create conditional rezoning for several parcels just east of downtown, and rezone the lots from R-3 to B-3 type zoning. The planning commission tabled action on that agenda item to gain further information.

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