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Houghton Township Dedicates Square Park

Eagle River is a popular destination for many visitors to the Keweenaw Peninsula. Thanks to the village’s wonderful view of lake superior driver into town; and from the Houghton township Square Park. Over the weekend families gathered at the park for a dedication ceremony of the park’s new pavilion, and amenities. A new pavilion, which takes style notes from the near by Eagle River museum and Keweenaw County Courthouse, was funded by a grant with the Copper Shores Country Health Foundation, then the Portage Health Foundation. And private funding from Dan Steck, who poured hundreds of hours of work into the project.

“And the kicker for the whole thing was, he said he was willing to fund the entire thing. And that of course is huge, as you know most township don’t have a lot of funds. And for him to be willing to do that, for his family, and to leave a legacy here, was tremendous.” – Melvin Jones, former Houghton Township Supervisor

The project was worked on in two separate phases. First the township needed to run water and sewer lines to the pavilion’s location, for installing public restrooms at the park. Later work by Hendrickson Excavating, developed walking paths around the perimeter of Houghton Township Square Park. Then in 2021 work began on constructing the pavilion.

Mel Jones, when the project first started was Houghton Township’s supervisor. He says that he often finds people in the park daily. its central location next to the Eagle River museum and community center makes it very popular for people stopping in town. Dan Steck says he’s honored to have seen the project through to yesterday’s dedication.

“I got some good suggestions from townsfolk along the way. This, what I call the North Cove right here, was a suggestion. And provides a nice quiet place for people to sit and look out at the lake and wildlife. And over a couple of years, we had started construction in 2020, pandemic time, the park started to take shape. And now it’s pretty much in its final shape. And  I can sort of retire again.” – Dan Steck, Eagle River Resident, Project Funder

Construction at the pavilion and other amenities were completed during the pandemic. Yesterday’s dedication ceremony at the park thanked Dan Steck and his family for their generosity and vision of a community asset. The township held off on holding an official ceremony due to the covid pandemic.

Houghton Township Square Park has been used by residents and visitors for many years, acting one time as a baseball field. Officially dedicated as a community park now, it will continue o serve that same purpose. The Park includes along with the pavilion, a dog path, tennis court, park benches and picnic tables, and plenty of space to take in a view of Lake Superior. Houghton Township Square Park is located next to the Eagle River Museum, across from the Eagle River falls, and a short walk to the historic Keweenaw county court house.

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