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Houghton High School Alumni Association Gauging Interest in a Golf Outing During the All School Reunion

School semesters have nearly wrapped up. And while local high school future alumni are focused on summer fun. The Houghton High School Alumni Association is working to finalize plans for the 2024 All School Reunion. Organizers have planned for the reunion on July 18th and 19th and will honor class milestones for the classes of 1999 and 1974. During the two days of celebration, Houghton High School alumni can enjoy meeting with old friends at a BBQ pasty picnic in Ray Kestner Park, the alumni breakfast with Superintendent Anders Hill, a memorial Roll Call tribute, a tour of the Keweenaw Brewing Company brewery in South Range, and a mixer buffet at the Bonfire in Houghton.

Organizers hope to include a golf outing but need to gauge participant interest first. For more information about the all-school reunion with the Houghton High School Alumni Association should contact President Frank Agin, Vice President Sue Johnson, or Treasurer Jeanne Meyers. Those interested in participating in a golf outing should contact the alumni association as soon as possible to express interest so organizers can properly plan the event.

Those interested in learning more about the Houghton High School all-school reunion in July can find more details and how to get involved here.

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