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Houghton County Emergency Management and the CCISD Prepare for Bridge Closure Scenarios

Houghton County Emergency Management and the Copper Country Intermediate School District partner to create an emergency plan if the lift bridge becomes inoperable. Last week Houghton County Emergency Management Coordinator Chris Van Arsdale and the CCISD led an exercise to develop strategies to support students, staff, and the community in the event of a bridge closure.

More than 40 participants, including school administrators, municipal officers, local police, emergency responders, the U.S. Coast Guard, representatives from local hospitals, and the Houghton County sheriff address both short-term and long-term scenarios when the bridge is inoperable. The exercise highlighted the critical need for preparedness, says CCISD superintendent Jim Rautiola. Adding that the Portage Lake Lift Bridge creates a vital connection for the copper country, and the region’s school districts, this collaboration helps local agencies identify strengths and areas of improvement for emergency plans so schools are prepared for any situation.

Community leaders are encouraged to continue refining response plans, identify vulnerabilities, and work together for the region’s overall preparedness for disaster. Those interested in learning more about the training exercise between the Houghton County Emergency Management Department and the Copper Country Intermediate School District can find more details here.

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