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Houghton City Council Wrap-Up: Two Public Hearings Scheduled for April

Houghton has scheduled two public hearings for ordinances governing animals and nuisance lawn care practices. Three councilors, Mike Needham Robert Backon, and Joan Suits were all absent. Houghton City Council issued a special land use permit for 1301 Ridge Road. The Nirvana Center plans to set up a recreational marijuana dispense at the former Bamboo restaurant. The permit issuance follows the planning commission’s recent recommendation to the council. The city council also began discussions for two city ordinances. After a brief debate, the council moved to schedule public hearings for both on April 12th. The updated animal ordinance covers more circumstances than previously. Adding the Public Act 399 of 1919, Michigan’s Dog Law is the biggest addition to the animals ordinance. Both city ordinance proposals can be found online. The council then tabled their dress code item for the next council meeting so all councilors may discuss their appearance before the public, together.

Both proposed ordinances can be found here.


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