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Houghton charrette workshop needs citizen participants

The City of Houghton has put out a call for residents interested in participating in a Charrette Ready workshop at the end of June focused on downtown development. You have to be a resident of the city, an employee of a downtown business, someone who lives downtown, a property owner, or a business owner in the downtown district. National Charrette Institute Director Holly Madill says the goal is to get as diverse a group as possible, so that all viewpoints are represented.

The Charrette Ready workshop is a portion of the preparation phase in the full charrette process. As such, its aims are slightly different. The Institute has a very specific definition of what a charrette is. It lasts four to seven days, and involves three feedback loops with the public to hone a solution to the problem being addressed. Madill says those requirements are flexible.

There’s a series of exercises that we go through to prepare the charrette schedule, thinking about the types of engagements and the ways we want to engage different groups within the community. The Charrette Ready workshop is we come up and we do those exercises with a group of individuals from the community, so they are actually building the charrette.

The time commitment is steep. Madill says participants typically have to give 18 hours to the Charrette Ready workshop over just two days. Those applying need to be aware of what is expected. Four community members will be selected out of the applicant pool at May’s Houghton City Council meeting. The forms must be submitted to the City Clerk’s office by Thursday, May 20th for consideration.

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