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Houghton Begins Spring Preparation Ahead of Graduation, Sets Spring Clean Up Dates

Houghton residents might notice that the city has begun to prepare for spring and summer with various projects, parks, and murals returning to downtown. City Manager Eric Waara says that the public works department will begin to open the parks for spring recreation after post-winter inspections. As well as begin patching potholes around town.

“So they’re going to sweep their trunk lines first because we’ve got some deadlines we have to meet with MDOT for sweeping the trunk lines. Then they’re going to start town working west to east. So start on the west end of town, and work their way to the east end of town. Again, like other years too, just want to remind people, if they do choose to sweep sand or anything out of their yards, please don’t do it on the uphill sides of the street, and out of the catch basin. Try not to impede traffic with it. And we’ll get those picked up as soon as we can.” – Eric Waara, City Manager, City of Houghton

Houghton plans to have everything ready and out in time for commencement when parents and friends of Michigan Tech graduates visit the area. Around the same time the students begin packing up, Houghton will begin the spring clean.

“Looking at the dates this year, Friday, April 26th, and Sunday, June 2nd. Again, it’s pretty much the same as last year. We did, wooden, brick, and metal materials. It has a specific dumpster up there. There are a lot of things not accepted, which is on this list. Of course, this will be up on the city’s websites and whatnot.” – Eric Waara, City Manager, City of Houghton

This year the city will move the senior pick-up day to Mondays during the spring clean-up. Seniors that will need assistance should contact the city for details.

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