Home / Featured / Help Clean Up Hancock’s Parks Tomorrow, and Join the F.D. for a Hotdog Cookout
Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Help Clean Up Hancock’s Parks Tomorrow, and Join the F.D. for a Hotdog Cookout

Tomorrow evening the city of Hancock will host Pitch in for Parks. The spring cleaning activity seeks to beautify the city’s many parks, and clean up trash that has been revealed by the melted snow. Residents planning to participate in the clean up day are encouraged to bring their own gardening tools, gloves, and rakes. Pitch in for Parks will begin at 4 pm.

After a couple of hours cleaning up the town, participants are invited to join city officials at the Hancock Fire Department for a hot dog cookout, starting at 6 pm.

Those interested in pitching in for the parks are asked to contact the city office to be assigned a park location, and clean up crew. Please contact the City of Hancock at 906 482 2720 with any questions about pitch in for parks clean up day.

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