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Hancock rescheduling City Council special session

The City of Hancock originally gave notice for a council special meeting that was set to happen Thursday night. Member John Haeussler relays via email it was learned that a subject being discussed requires a public meeting to receive input prior to the council taking action on submitting an application. He wrote further, “We’re hoping to meet next Tuesday.”

The session will focus on three topics. The first is a measure that was tabled at the last regular meeting of the body. It concerns whether Hancock will seek a grant to help facilitate the purchase of land near Navy Street. It would remain undeveloped, providing public access to parcels immediately adjacent to the portage canal. Easements have been granted by all other landowners in the area, except for the lots in question.

City Manager Mary Babcock hopes to present the new Hancock logo, which is being rolled out to coincide with a revamped online presence.

It’s because we are updating our website and our old logo wasn’t in the right format to be used on the website.

Hancock School District is also redoing its webpage, set for a May debut.

The council is going to reconcile a property issue involving two parcels at 444 Hancock Avenue. Babcock says there is supposed to be one still vacant and another with a residence on it, but the boundary doesn’t quite line up.

So this came up because they are selling the home. So, they’re selling off one parcel. They’re both for sale, but when they went to pull the information to sell it, the porch and door are actually on the other parcel. They aren’t being billed on the home parcel.

Meetings begin at 6:00 PM. The virtual option through Zoom remains in place until the end of the month.

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