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Hancock Public Schools starting a focus group for the future

Hancock Public Schools puts out a call for the community to participate in a focus group. Recently Superintendent of Hancock Public School Chris Salani invited parents, alumni, and the community to take part in a focus group.

The school district seeks information and feedback to provide critical insights on strategic initiatives as the schools move forward. The group will consist of between 10 to 12 members, that will meet once a month. Salani hopes to find participants representing district stakeholders such as parents, alumni, and community members by the start of November. Included in online lists is an initial agenda for the group’s first meeting. Those interested in assisting Hancock’s public school plan for the future of education in Hancock should contact Superintendent Chris Salani for more information or with any questions.

Those interested in learning more about the Hancock Public School future focus group agenda below. Contact the school district here.

The process of this Focus Group will be to meet monthly, with the initial set agenda items to be the following:

  1. District Guiding Documents Review and Recommendations
    1. Mission, Vision, Core Values and Beliefs
  2. District Master Planning Process, Milestone Dates and Initiatives
  3. District Implementation of Career & College Bound Pathways and New Curriculum opportunities.

I would like to encourage and invite between 10 – 12 individuals to be part of this process, with a good mix of representation from each of these 3 groups, therefore if you do have interest in serving please reach out to me to identify your support of this important initiative.  My intent is to begin this process the first week of November as an FYI.


Also, I ask that you kindly share this invitation with others whom you feel would be good candidates for this opportunity.  And as always, if you have any questions or additional thoughts, feel free to contact me at any time.




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