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Hancock Planning Commission Promotes Griffis to Chairperson

Hancock’s planning commission was forced to table action on both of its agenda items. Progressive engineers and architects had a last minute cancellation with the city, and will plant to update commission members and city leadership when the firm visits in September. At that time progressive engineers will hold an open house for the public to provide further input on what direction residents want the city to move.

The second item the commission tabled deals with a building development on the Hancock waterfront, near Navy Street. The city has requested of the developer an easement for a walkway, and space for a road so the fire department may respond to emergency incidents. The development includes space for a 20 foot wide road, and walk way. The commission needed to table further action with the development until the city can confirm additional information at the location regarding space and easements with adjacent property owners. The development if approved would create a pair of apartment buildings.

In line with selecting leadership at the Hancock city council, the planning commission also needed to select a new chairperson with the departure of former mayor Paul LaBine. Adam Griffis will take on the role of planning commission chairman. Susan Burack will retain her position as vice chairwoman.

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