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Hancock Has a New Chief of Police

New Hancock police chief Tami Sleeman met many residents and leaders in the community last night during a meet and greet at the Hancock Fire Hall. Sleeman returns to her home town, after gaining 32 years of experience in law enforcement in the Upper Peninsula, Boulder, Colorado, and with the state of Wisconsin.

“I then moved out to Colorado, I worked for the Boulder Police Department. I worked on everything, from patrol, to detective, to narcotics, the SWAT team. And then I moved to Wisconsin, and worked for the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation. I think, what’s most important to me, were the officer involved shooting cases I worked. Along with child abuse, and child death investigations.” – Tami Sleeman, Hancock Chief of Police

One of the first items on her agenda includes working on the police department’s budget. Sleeman added that the new millage passed by voters will certainly help the department. But they will need to look for additional funding options, through pathways such as grants.

“But we also need to take care of our officers, and most important is officer safety and their well being. There are different ways to find money to do that. And it’s obvious that the community is behind the City of Hancock Police Department. And with the millage passed, than we get another officer, and it’s really promising.” – Tami Sleeman, Hancock Chief of Police

Meeting the rest of her team, and getting to know residents are also high priority items. Sleeman expressed that she intends on working with the community.

“First on the agenda, I want to meet with all of the officers within the department. I want to find out what works, what doesn’t, what can we do as a team to make it even better. An open door policy for the community. Find out what they want to see. And then together, all of us, are going to work as a team to make it an even better place to be.” – Tami Sleeman, Hancock Chief of Police

Police Chief Tami Sleeman has begun work in her new office. She will travel to the Lower Peninsula in the coming days to become state certified once again, after spending time outside of Michigan. Sleeman also expressed interest in a sort of open door policy with the community. Stop and say hello if you find Hancock’s new police chief out and about in the city.

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