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Hancock Drop-In looking for new members

Directions Unlimited Drop-In Center of Hancock is looking for new members. COVID-19 has pulled down enrollment numbers to just 12 people.

The non-profit organization helps those suffering from mental illness, physical disabilities, and drug addiction. Daily operations are handled by members, including a recreation room that aids with socialization. Members are accepted after a candidate attends three meetings. At those gatherings, the group plans trips to local events. Director Dave Edgar says the fall is a particularly busy time for outings.

We either go up towards Copper Harbor, or down to Ontonagon, up that way.

The drop-in center plays a part in supporting members find jobs. It has internet access to assist in filling out and submitting applications. Other amenities include cable television and appliances, such as a full kitchen and a washer and dryer for laundry.

The building is located at 208 Quincy Street in Hancock and is open Monday through Saturday.

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