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Hancock dog park soft opening still on track for this year

A ribbon cutting and full grand opening is not likely until next spring, but dogs will have a chance to test out the new pet park at the Houghton County Fairgrounds by the time the snow flies. Hancock Recreation Chairperson Deb Mann talks about the progress at the site.

The posts are in and cemented. They had a heck of a time getting the posts in that rocky terrain that’s up there, so they ended up having to dig a bigger spot for each post and then they cement the posts in. Our signage for rules and regulations is being printed right now, and we will have a soft opening soon.

Mann says it is great that they were able to combine donations, a matching grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, and the recreation millage to avoid relying on the general fund for the project.

With the millage renewal, Mann says she already has a list as long as her arm to commit the funds towards. Not all of it will go to new endeavors. She points out that maintenance, upkeep, and improving amenities at existing facilities are all ways to plug needs for city residents. Mann uses the example of the Americans with Disabilities Act compliant bathrooms that were installed at the Hancock Beach campground recently to highlight how the city has already committed to that aspect of the issue.

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