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Hancock Can Now Negotiate Abatement with Industrial Park Developers

Hancock city council started the night with a public hearing over resolution 21-42 to establish industrial park district number one. By accepting the resolution the city can now negotiate tax abatement with future developers of the business and technology park. This resolution incentivizes manufacturing and technology developers to bring their business to the city and another tool in the belt for Hancock.

 The council also accepted a 90,000 dollar grant from EGLE for the Hancock water front shoreline project. The goal is to slow the rate of erosion for the city’s property near the Ramada Inn. The plan also includes extending the walk way that currently exists and will end at the city line.

Faith Morrison was accepted by the council to join the Hancock Transit Local Advisory Council. And a special congratulations to Bob Wenc for taking first place in the Hancock holiday home decorating contest. 

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