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Hancock Business Association invites the Copper Country, and Santa, to Downtown Hancock

Santa is coming to town next week. After the Copper Country wakes up from its turkey hangover on Thanksgiving Hancock will turn on the town’s Christmas charm. Next Friday the 53rd annual Hancock Christmas Walk will close down Qunicy Street for three hours.

There are people all the way along the city streets. It’s great to be together. Um, and just the police are there, the fire truck, and of course, Santa.- Shelly Luccshesi, President, Hancock Business Association

There are a lot of children, anywhere from 200 to 300 children. You see those children’s faces light up when they see Santa. It’s amazing.- Carol Freeman, Treasurer, Hancock Business Association

Kicked off with the Hancock Business Association and the city starting the Christmas Walk parade on the east side of downtown. Hancock’s businesses sponsoring the 53rd annual walk have helped support Santa making an early trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula to check in on the area’s kids and adults to make sure everyone’s on their best behavior.

Well, the excitement downtown in front of City Hall, waiting for them and watching all of the children, that is by far the best part. And he pulls up and as he’s getting off the fire truck, it’s quiet. Everyone is just waiting for him to come. Marianne is down there at Memorial Park and she will interview him and he will speak to everybody a little bit. So that’s a big part of it. And then he stays in the park and all the children get a chance to visit with Santa. . .- Shelly Luccshesi, President, Hancock Business Association

HBA representatives Shelly Luccshesi and Carol Freeman say that he will be busy as a feature in the aparade, and lighting the Christmas tree. Additionally, the walk has face painting and cookie decorating activities for families while waiting to visit with Santa.

And it’s just amazing. We got about 300 cookies donated. And the frosting from Pat’s, Pat’s Foods, they donate that as well. So the kids will decorate that. And it’s just amazing. It’s indoors, so you’re out of the element for the children. .– Carol Freeman, Treasurer, Hancock Business Association

The Hancock Christmas walk will begin at 6 pm November 29th. From Reservation Street to Mine Street along Quincy Street in downtown the Copper Country is invited to start the season of cheer with a fun time in the city. Hancock’s Department of Public Works, police, and fire department are busy at work preparing for the fun. Anyone interested in volunteering for the 53rd annual Hancock Christmas walk or want to register for the parade should contact the Hancock Business Association for details.

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