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Hancock Beach Reopened

UPDATE: The Western UP Health Department has retested Hancock Beach and the beach is now open!


The Hancock Beach is temporarily closed after monitoring by the Western UP Health Department showed elevated bacteria levels.

Samples were taken from the beach on Wednesday and was closed on Thursday.

The Health Department currently tests water quality weekly at 21 public beaches in the region.

Water quality parameters such as turbidity, temperature, and possible contamination sources are investigated at each beach.

The water is then tested for the indicator organism E. coli.

The most recent sample indicated that the value exceeds Michigan Water Quality Standards (P323.1062) as a daily geometric mean for full body contact.

The Health Department will continue to monitor Hancock Beach and will reopen it after test samples show the water is safe.

No other beaches in the local area have been flagged for unsafe bacteria levels and remain open.

You can follow the updates on beach conditions at Michigan’s Beach Guard website at http://www.deq.state.mi.us/beach/

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