Home / Featured / Finlandia Foundation National Receives a $4 M Gift from the Finnish Center Association
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Finlandia Foundation National Receives a $4 M Gift from the Finnish Center Association

The Finlandia Foundation National receives four million dollars from a Farmington Hills-based Finnish-American group, following the sale of its Tapiola Village Apartments property. The Finlandia Foundation National will receive a 4 million dollar gift from the Finnish Center Association’s Senior Citizens Housing Corporation in Farmington Hills.

FFN President Ann-Mari Paster says that this gift comes at a significant time nearing the first anniversary of Finlandia University’s closing. Earlier this year the Foundation announced its official takeover of the Finnish American Heritage Center and North Wind Books properties. In the past year, FFN has been on a campaign to raise 3 million dollars to preserve the Finnish archives that are housed with the Finnish American Heritage Center.

The Finlandia Foundation National thanks the FCA in Farmington Hills for its generous gift, as well as those across the country who have supported its Saving Finland in America campaign. Find more details here.

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