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EGLE and NextCycle Michigan Open Access to the Circular Economy Development Program

Michigan’s Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy supports innovation with available grants as a part of NextCycle Michigan. EGLE and the NextCyle Michigan circular economy development program have worked together to make grant funding available. Supporting innovations ranging from upstream solutions to creations and scale of markets for recovered material.s In total the department plans to spread 2.3 million dollars across the state through grants worth 50,000 to 250,000 dollars.

The funds will seek solutions that utilize otherwise waste material streams through reuse, repairs, re-manufacturing, recycling, or other eligible circular economy solutions. The program hopes to support the creation of new markets and expand existing markets related to recycled content products further creating strong supply chains that feed demand and work toward goals of less wasted material. Those interested in learning more bout the Circular Economy Grants with EGLE and NextCycle Michigan can find more details and information here.

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