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Dynamo Grant Program Seeks to Support New Businesses in Baraga County

The Baraga County Chamber of Commerce works tirelessly to support local businesses in the region. Recently the chamber of commerce has opened access to grant funds through the Baraga County Dynamo Grant Program. The program seeks to attract new businesses and assist young businesses in Baraga County with up to 5,000 dollars that are within the first 12 months of operating. The Chamber of Commerce adds that the grant program is fully funded and does not require payment back.

Business owners or start-up entrepreneurs interested in applying for the Baraga Dynamo Grant Program should refer questions to the Baraga Chamber of Commerce for more details. All applications for the grant program should be submitted by September 3rd. Applications can be emailed to the Baraga County Chamber of Commerce those interested in learning more about the Dynamo Grant program can find contact information below.

Contact: Debbie Stouffer

Tel: 906-353-8808

Email: baragacountychamber@gmail.com

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