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Dr. Tayloria Adams to Address Guests at 34th Michigan Tech MLK Banquet

For 34 years Michigan Tech University has celebrated Martin Luther King Junior’s life and legacy, encouraging community service, artistic expression and a celebratory banquet. Earlier today Michigan Tech students visited with elementary students in the area. Spending time to read to the classes a book about Dr. King and the civil rights movement he and others took part in during the 1960’s. At the Van Pelt and Opie Library there is an MLK exhibit, including student work, and a feature interactive poster titled after King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered at the Lincoln Memorial as a part of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Students are also encouraged to write “letters of love” to local non-profit and community organizations close to their heart. The student MLK Banquet will close out today’s celebration of Dr. King, at 5:30  in the Rozsa Center. The keynote speaker at tonight’s banquet is Dr. Tayloria Adams, notable alum of Michigan tech and National Society of Black Engineers Bayard Rustin award winner. Seating is limited, sign up for the banquet can be found online. A stream for tonight’s keynote address can also be found online.

10 am – 12 noon Student Service Project

Michigan Tech will support the local elementary school students by reading a MLK book to students around the community.

12 noon – 1 pm Interfaith Prayer Vigil and Peace March,
The Van Pelt and Opie Library will host a Prayer Vigil where our religious communities on campus will read excerpts from Dr. King’s works. Following the event, we are inviting the campus community to meet at the Husky statue at 1:00 p.m. to gather for a peace march across campus.

5:30 pm MLK Banquet at the Rozsa Center
Keynote address by Dr. Tayloria Adams.

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