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CopperDog still needs volunteers

Organizer Doug Harrer says volunteers are still needed for this weekend’s CopperDog 150 race. Interest in helping out is already high, as seen by turnout on Saturday, February 27th at Calumet High School.

We had between 80 and 100 people. I would say three-quarters of them raised their hands and said they were brand new people.

Road crossing crews are most needed. The Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance put up a post earlier this week with information about the locations where there is a shortage and the time each shift is expected to last. You can find that here.

Harrer says other jobs are available too.

For Friday, for instance, we’re looking for a bagchecker. Basically, what that is is someone that goes up to the musher’s sled with the musher and makes sure that they have the appropriate things that they’re supposed to have, that the race requires. It’s kind of a cool thing because you get to actually talk to the musher.

Dog handlers and security for crowd control on the snow road on Fifth Street are both needed, as well as taking down the fencing, which will happen after the fireworks display, around 8:30.

The race begins in Calumet with the first team out of the starting gate around 7:00 PM Friday. There are three races this year; the 150, 80, and 25. Weather conditions are expected to be below freezing, which is great news for the event but something that should be taken into consideration for volunteers. Boots, hats, and gloves are all highly recommended if your job involves being outdoors.

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