Home / Featured / Copper Shores Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop in Baraga Registration Ends Tomorrow
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Copper Shores Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop in Baraga Registration Ends Tomorrow

Copper Shores Community Health Foundation helps people build bridges out of poverty. Later this month Copper Shores Bridges will host the Bridges Out of Poverty workshop in Baraga. During the event participants will learn about instability and poverty in communities in the Copper Country, specifically in Baraga County. Bridges will encourage attendees to view economic class struggle through a new lens by discussing the causes that lead to generational poverty and the importance of a common language. Bridges Out Of Poverty teaches key concepts that can help stabilize an individual or family’s financial resources.

The workshop on May 20th will act as a precursor to a program Copper Shores Bridges plans to bring to Baraga County in August called Getting Ahead. The Getting Ahead program works over 16 weeks to teach participants about financial stability and independence. The program in August will work in partnership with the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community to help provide amenities to participants including classroom space, child care, and transportation.

Copper Shores does ask those interested in attending the May 20th Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop to RSVP by tomorrow. The workshop will begin at 8:30 am and run for a little under 7 hours. There is no cost to attend the workshop.

RSVP for the May 20th Workshop

Doors will open for the workshop at 8 a.m. with coffee and donuts, and lunch will be provided to all participants. Register by Friday May 3 by emailing bridges@coppershores.org or calling 1 (906) 523-5920. To learn more about the Bridges program, visit coppershores.org/bridges. For additional information, contact Michael Steber, Copper Shores Bridges program director at msteber@coppershores.org.

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