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Copper Harbor Trails Club opens new downhill

By the time Trails Fest kicks off Friday, there will be a new downhill route in place on East Bluff. Speed is the name of the game, one of many options for competitors this weekend. Christopher Guibert says across the entire spectrum, most courses are designed for intermediate riders. Given the nature of the sport, that invites the possibility of injury. Since the club does not own the land, insurance is a requirement for it to modify the public tracts it is using. Guibert explains why that is difficult.

That is a niche product. And that is part of the delay of some of these trails opening. It’s just not like you’re calling Geico and getting a quote for your car insurance. There’s lots of little details that have to be combed over. We want to make sure all those details, all those boxes are checked. It’s a process, you can just order bike liability insurance for a municipality overnight.

Earlier this year, some trails had their season opening delayed so that new policies could be purchased. Guibert says the recent tourism boom has led all parties involved to reexamine what kind of coverage they need.

Many of the trails are built through grants, but private businesses play a huge role in the clubs success.

Business owners that become partners with the trail club, we have different levels. That’s everything from hotels to restaurants. Just different types of businesses all across the peninsula.

Copper Harbor Trails Club has a full-time executive director on staff to help guide the day to day activities of the organization.

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