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Copper Country Veterans Resource Fair Today in Calumet

When service men and women come home after active duty sorting through veteran benefits can be difficult without the right help. Later today, Copper Country veterans affairs offices will host the Copper Country Veterans Resource Fair at the Calumet Colosseum. Some of the information available at the fair includes a presentation on the recently passed P.A.C.T. Act, which expands claims veterans can make regarding their exposure to toxic chemicals.

Also very prominent at the resource fair will be the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. And they work with us, and we help to administer the program, the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. And that’s a program that provides emergency financial assistance to veterans of wartime periods. And then now they’re working with starting to expand that to include veterans who may not have wartime service, but are over the age of 65. We also have county emergency assistance grants. And I want to point out that this event will also feature the Keweenaw County Veterans Affairs Office.” – Joseph Battisfore, Director, Houghton County Veterans Affairs Office

Other organizations at the fair include Michigan Works, local health care systems, the Veterans Community Action Team and local V.F.W. and American Legion halls. Veterans choosing to attend the resource fair from 1 to 5 pm today will receive a gas gift card, free meal, and a chance at some raffle prizes. The Copper Country Veterans Resource fair will begin at 1pm at the Calumet Colosseum this afternoon.

The P.A.C.T. Act Session will begin at 2 pm, the S.A.V.E. Suicide Prevention presentation will begin at 3:30 pm.

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