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CCISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Recognizes Educators that Make a Difference

The Copper Country ISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee proudly presents awards to special educators who make a difference in their students’ lives. Recently the CCISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee held its annual awards ceremony to recognize exceptional educators who contribute to supportive successful learning environments for students with disabilities. PAC Co-Chair Jen Beaudette says that the group celebrates the achievements and dedication of all educators who help support students. Additionally, the members of the Parent Advisory Committee are grateful for their passion and support for special education needs in the Copper Country. 

General Education Teach of the Year was presented to Nick Squires of Lake Linden Hubbell Schools.

Special Education Teacher of the Year was awarded to Marta Thompson from CLK Elementary.

Kelsi Gustafson and Keri William from L’Anse schools earned the dynamic duo award.

The group also gave special recognition to retiring staff and educators Linda Studenrauch, CLK High School Secretary; and Karyn Juntunen, CCISD Special Education Teacher Consultant/Greenhouse Coordinator.

Those interested in learning more about the CCISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Annual Award recipients can find more details below.


The Copper Country Intermediate School Districts Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) held its 21st annual awards ceremony at The Bonfire in Hancock, recognizing exceptional contributions to special education across Houghton, Baraga, and Keweenaw Counties. The PAC Awards, led by a parent-driven committee, honors individuals who excel in creating supportive and successful learning environments for students with disabilities and their families.

This year’s ceremony highlighted the dedication and passion of educators and support staff within the local school districts. Award recipients were nominated by their peers, students, and families, highlighting the community’s appreciation of their outstanding efforts.

Jen Beaudette, PAC Co-Chairperson and CCISD Early Childhood Supervisor, said, “We are here to celebrate the achievements of our award recipients and the dedication that all of our educators have to support our students. They make an impact on the lives of students and families, and create positive learning opportunities. We are so thankful for their passion to support special education in Copper Country.”

The event featured inspiring speeches from special education leaders and parents, celebrating achievements and advancements in educational support for all students. Speeches acknowledged the critical role that a team of educators play in shaping the future of students with disabilities.

“It’s a team effort,” said Karyn Jutunen, CCISD Special Education Teacher Consultant and Greenhouse Coordinator. Juntunen received the Special Recognition Award, celebrating her retirement. “I remember I wanted to be a special education teacher my senior year in high school and it stuck. I’ve learned from everyone: the therapists, the OTs, the PTs, the bus drivers. It’s a team effort. We cannot do this without all the hands on support of all of the people. Everyone has each other’s back. It’s awesome to work here.” 

For those looking to learn more about the work of the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee and how they support partnerships among parents and educators, please visit Copper Country ISD’s Parent Advisory Committee page.

Award Recipients Include:

General Education Teacher – Nick Squires, Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools
Special Education Teacher – Marta Thompson, CLK Elementary School
Ancillary Staff – Andrea Raasio, CCISD School Psychologist; Jennifer Meyer, CCISD Special Education Teacher Coach
Support Staff – Rebecca Crouch, BHK Child Development SKIP Aide; Bridget Kinnunen, E.B. Holman School Paraprofessional; Hanna Larson, South Range Elementary School Paraprofessional
Dynamic Duo Award – Kelsi Gustafson and Keri Williams, L’Anse Paraprofessionals
Make a Difference Awards – June Storm, CCISD Learning Center Substitute Teacher; Patrick Aldrich, Dominique Crowley, Jennifer Harris, Cole Klein, Alissa Schmidt, Melissa Wiseman, Houghton Elementary Team
Behind the Scenes – Jason Auel, CCISD Business Manager; Chris Wilmers, CCISD Accounts Receivable/Payable
Step-In Special Education Teacher – Leann Fogle, CLK Elementary School
Special Recognition (Retiring) – Linda Studenrauch, CLK High School Secretary; Karyn Juntunen, CCISD Special Education Teacher Consultant/Greenhouse Coordinator
Student Salutes – Sarah Freitag, CCISD Deaf/Hard of Hearing Consultant; Leanne Laakonen, Hancock High School General Education Teacher; Adam Lucca, Dollar Bay Special Education Teacher; Danielle Thoune, Hancock High School Special Education Teacher

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