Calumet’s Village Council met Tuesday evening at the Calumet Theatre Ballroom to give final authority on recodification. Over 100 ordinances are going to be culled from the books in one fell swoop. Manager Caleb Katz says that American Legal Publishing can do the leg work for the council, once it has authorization. That will come in the form of a draft from the village’s attorney.
Virginia Dwyer asked about efforts from previous councils to do something similar. Members responded that was the starting point for this round of recodification. Roxanne King said the council’s vote to repeal previous law is only the first step.
Dwyer was also concerned with the consent agenda, namely item five that agreed to previously paid bills of $33,599.71. She thought that may be including payments that could be deferred until the council meeting proper. Member Rob Tarvis ran through the breakdown. Over $26,000 was payroll and the rest were standard expenses.
Leah Polzien will be stepping down from the Downtown Development Authority. That was revealed in one of several reports given. A proposal to help subsidize downtown businesses with the purchase of external security equipment also drew scrutiny, even before the item made it to the council proper. A planning commission update delved into recent rezoning efforts.