Home / Featured / Board of Commissioners Wrap: County Tax Mill Remains the Same as Last Year, County Value Increases Taxable Revenue
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Board of Commissioners Wrap: County Tax Mill Remains the Same as Last Year, County Value Increases Taxable Revenue

Houghton county property owners will continue to see a county millage rate of 6.222 mills over the next taxable year. While the millage rate will stand pat for property owners, the county will see an increase in taxable revue. As the value of property in the county rose by 5.4 percent. Houghton county is valued above 1 billion dollars according to the county equalization department’s records. The county did approve the millage rate for county millage rate of 6.222 mills for 2023 as well as the collection of county taxes.

The commission additionally authorized the request of a CDBG loan from MEDC for Quincy MFG for 70,000 dollars. Quincy Manufacturing will look to use the loan to help expand their skateboard manufacturing operation, add three jobs to the local economy, and work on moving into the old Ocuglass Building near the air-park. The 70,000 dollar loan would come with an 8.2 percent interest rate over a five year period. 

The county courthouse will be closed on Monday, June 19th, for observance of Juneteenth.

Houghton county has also moved the July board of commissioners meeting from July 11th to July 18th.

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