Home / Featured / Blue Key Honor Society Opens the 2025 Winter Carnival Logo Contest
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Blue Key Honor Society Opens the 2025 Winter Carnival Logo Contest

Blue Key Honor Society announces the start of the Winter Carnival logo contest. Each year Blue Key students at Michigan Tech begin planning for the following winter carnival as soon as possible. With the large amount of planning that goes into the campus-wide celebration, Blue Key offers the logo contest as a way for students, alumni, and the community to get involved.

The 2025 Winter Carnival’s theme, titled Dragons, Knights, and Legendary Sights, offers a lot of inspiration to artists.

Blue Key will ask that artists keep the design small enough to fit a predetermined circle, use up to four colors including black, and display the festival’s theme Dragons, Knights, and Legendary sights within the design. All artwork must be submitted no later than April 14th. Artists are allowed to submit more than one design idea.

Submissions can be emailed to Blue Key for consideration or dropped off at the office in the Memorial Union Building room 106. Those interested in learning more about the winter carnival at Michigan Tech can find more information and details about the contest here. Email submission to bluekey@mtu.edu 


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