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BHK Child Development 50th Anniversary Registration Ending Today

For 50 years in the Copper Country BHK Child Development has impacted many families. Found throughout the Keweenaw, the center’s several locations help families gain a head start on education with preschool programs. As well as supports kids with Out of School time programs.

“Our center-based programs are phenomenal. It’s play-based, relationship-based, and very individualized. And as you can see, you know, it’s just a great place to learn and build brains and, you know, just come together as a community.” – Katie Waara, Health Services Coordinator, BHK Child Development

On June 27th Baraga Houghton Keweenaw Child Development Center will celebrate 50 years of helping families raise children in the Copper Country. Today the organization will close registration for the celebration at 5 pm. Those interested in attending the event and supporting BHK Child Development can find more details and contact information at Keweenaw report dot com. The 50th anniversary will take place at the Bonfire in Houghton. Tickets cost 35 dollars for an individual.

Reserve to your seat by June 10th by calling 906-482-3663 or email bhk@bhkfirst.org

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