Home / Featured / Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Golf Scramble Opens Registration, Seeks Sponsors
Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Golf Scramble Opens Registration, Seeks Sponsors

Throughout the year profits host plenty of fun fundraisers. But not many events offer a few hours on the golf course. Registration has opened for the Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home Golf Scramble. The Domestic Violence shelter that works with victims throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula will host its 11th golf scramble this year. The event acts as one of the greatest ways to learn more about the incredible work of the shelter’s staff while supporting the non-profit organization during one of its largest fundraisers during the year. BKG Shelter Home also seeks sponsors for the golf scramble that supports the organization’s effort within the community. There are three levels of sponsorship for this year’s scramble, which include the business logo on signage along the course, a mulligan for those in need of some help with their play, and a table at dinner. The 11th annual BKG Shelter Home Golf Scramble will take place at the Calumet Golf Club on June 29th. Those interested in learning more about the BKG Shelter Home Scramble or the Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home contact information can be found below.

To register for the golf scramble call 906 337 3911

For questions and and sponsor information call 906 337 5632


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