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Area tree farm enjoying brisk early Christmas season

Superior Tree Farm in Chassell will see families streaming in from across the Copper Country the next two weekends looking for the perfect pine. John Wahmhoff says that if Thanksgiving traffic is an indication, things are going to be quite busy. Already 25 trees have been sold between the Chassell location and their second lot in Houghton next to Maggie’s Spa Resort.

Superior Tree Farm has several varieties for sale, but one is the clear favorite so far.

We have blue spruce, fraser fir, which is very popular right now for Christmas. They don’t drop needles.

White spruces, balsam firs, and other types are also available. Wahmhoff says every choice has a trade off. Firs are not quite as rugged and struggle with heavier ornaments.

Some trees are precut, but most of those taken in Chassell will be brought down by customers on the lot. Wahmhoff says that it takes over a decade to get each pine ready for your living room.

So basically, they’re almost five years old by the time they go in the field. They grow one to three years in a seed bed, if you grow it by seed. From that you go into a transplant bed, which is another couple of years.

Once Christmas ends, Superior Tree Farm will be quiet until spring.

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