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Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Annual Overnight Parking Bans Begin Next Week

Local city leadership wants to provide an important reminder to the area before the snow starts piling up in the streets. Starting next Wednesday, residents will not park on the streets overnight. The annual all-night parking bans found around downtown sectors and in residential areas begin November 1st and end April 30th. The parking bans enforced in the region are to accommodate snow plow trucks clearing the roadways before people head out to work. Upper Peninsula Road Commission crews have historically done a great job of cleaning up the roads, even during stormy conditions. Crews tend to operate in the overnight hours, to avoid causing problems with area traffic patterns during the day. Over the last couple of years, local road commission crews have required new drivers.

Those interested in working with the Houghton County Road Commission can find contact information, alongside contact information for the region’s other road commission crews. There you can also find details for the area’s winter parking enforcement.

Please contact your local municipalities for specific information regarding overnight parking bans in your area.

Houghton County Road Commission

Keweenaw County Road Commission

Baraga County Road Commission

Ontonagon County Road Commission

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