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Information Session on White Pine Mine

It was a full house last night at the Calumet High School where Keweenaw Copper Company held a community information session in regards to the re-opening of the White Pine Mine. Highland & Keweenaw Copper Vice President Dr. Ross Grunwald presented information the attendees such as the history of mining …

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New Management at Eagle Mine

The Eagle Mine has a new general manager. Michael Welch has taken over as head of the mine that’s under construction in western Marquette County. Before joining Lundin Mining last week, Welch headed up Glencore exstrata’s Raglan nickel operations in Quebec. Before that, he was project director on the successful …

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Nassiri Stands Mute

The domestic assault case that has been getting a lot of national attention is inching closer to a trial. 34-year-old Nima Nassiri was arraigned in Houghton County Circuit Court yesterday on charges of second-degree murder for the alleged assault of his wife, 27-year-old Senaz Nezami, who died days after the …

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State of the State Address Tonight

Governor Rick Snyder is set to deliver his fourth State of the State message tonight. He will deliver the speech in the State House of Representatives chamber before a joint session of the House and Senate at 7 p.m. The State of the State Address is given each year to …

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Minimum Wage Could Increase

The U.S. Senate could within the next few weeks take up a proposal to phase-in an increase of the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. And U.S. Senator Carl Levin of Michigan believes there’s a chance it could happen. This week, a group of 75 economists backed the idea, …

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Law Requiring Teachers to Add to Pensions Ruled Constitutional

A Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled a 2012 law that essentially required teachers and other public school workers to begin to contribute to their retirement plans was constitutional. The court upheld an earlier finding by the Court of Claims that allowed the controversial measure to stand. Under the law, …

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Michigan’s Education Policies Highly Ranked

Michigan ranked in the top 10 among states for its education policies in a report card released Tuesday by StudentsFirst. The group said the state’s education policies did well elevating the teaching profession, but not so well getting parents involved in the process. Michigan received a C- overall grade on …

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Deer Herd Struggling in Subzero Weather

The deer herd has been a big part of the Copper Country, which is one of the few areas in the entire state that allows supplemental deer feeding. The Calumet-Keweenaw Sportsmen’s Club near Eagle Harbor is one of two clubs that provide the deer feed during the winter but it …

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Circuit Court Cases for Today

Today in circuit court, former Houghton High School hockey volunteer Brad Aldrich is expected to be sentenced on charges of fourth degree criminal sexual conduct. He pled guilty to the charge as part of a plea deal which allowed a second charge of third degree CSC to be dismissed. Fourth …

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New Board Members for Keweenaw Chamber

The Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce held their board elections last week and the results are in. Lisa Dunnebacke has been re-elected to the board. There are three new members: Brian Donnelly, who is a bank manager at River Valley Bank in Calumet; Darrell Guitar, a real estate/insurance agent for Century …

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