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Schauer Reveals Voting Republican

Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer says he voted in a Republican primary in 2012 to help decide that party’s presidential nominee. Schauer told reporters yesterday that he voted in the Republican primary two years ago because there was nobody to vote for on the Democratic side, since President Barack …

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Formal Notice Sent to Enbridge

Attorney General Bill Schuette and Department of Environmental Quality Director Dan Wyant have sent a formal notice to Enbridge calling on the company to meet its requirement to install additional anchors for two oil pipelines laid in the Mackinac Straits more than sixty years ago. Enbridge has acknowledged that it …

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Jobless Claims Decline in MI

Michigan led the nation during the past week, with the largest decline in the number of new jobless claims. It comes the same week that the US Labor Department reports that the number of people seeking benefits fell to its lowest level in more than eight years. Michigan reported 6800 …

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Houghton City Council Meeting Recap

It was a busy night for the Houghton City Council yesterday at their bi-monthly meeting. The council held a public hearing and passed an ordinance to make a change to the rental code regarding sleeping rooms. Assistant City Manager Ann Vollrath says it was a neccesary course of action. The …

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Calumet Stabbing Case Dismissed

A Calumet man who was arrested on stabbing charges in early July had his case dismissed yesterday in Houghton County District Court. 26-year-old Kyle Huuki was originally charged with felonious assault or assault with intent to commit great bodily harm less than murder. However, according to the Houghton County Prosecutor’s …

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New Exhibit at Finlandia Gallery

Today, a special exhibit will be opening at the Finlandia University Gallery. Fragments from Mantta will be on display starting tomorrow through September 12th. The exhibit was designed by Anna Alapuro, who will travel from Finland to attend a closing reception at the gallery on September 4th. Alapuro will display …

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Two Petitions for the State Canvassers

The board of State Canvassers meets in Lansing today and is expected to formally approve signatures gathered for a petition initiative that would ask voters to amend the current minimum wage law by increasing it to $10.10 per hour by 2017. Another question remains however. Some say the legislature’s recent approval …

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Festival Safety Tips

With summer weather upon us, festival season is in full swing and the Michigan State Police wants to make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time at summer festivals. Among the safety precautions the MSP are suggesting are remembering that children of any age should always be accompanied by …

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Confusion Regarding Prop 1

It appears that there’s some confusion among voters when it comes to Proposal 1, which is on Michigan’s statewide ballot August 5th. The proposal is to continue the phase-out of Michigan’s personal property tax on business. Its a tax that business wants to get rid of because its out of …

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Study Says Michigan Residents Should Buy Local

The state’s largest retailers organization has released a study saying that in 2015, Michigan would gain more than 74,000 additional jobs and nine billion dollars in additional economic activity, if Michigan consumers bought from Michigan retailers instead of over the internet or through the mail. The Michigan Retailers Association study …

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