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Gov Signs Firefighter Certification Reciprocity Bill

A measure designed to make it easier for firefighters coming from out-of-state to be certified in Michigan has been signed into law by the governor. The bill passed the House in November and the Senate in October. State Senator Dale Zorn, the bill sponsor, says it would provide firefighter certification …

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An Update On Dark Store Legislation In Lansing

A second hearing is planned this month for legislation that aims to stop big box stores from asking the Michigan Tax Tribunal to value their property – for tax purposes — as if it were empty, or dark, arguing the layout is unique and wouldn’t be worth much if the …

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How Concealed Pistol Licenses Are Issued Changes Today

Some changes to how concealed handgun licenses are issued take effect Tuesday. Three-member county gun boards are no longer part of the mix, with their duty of issuing, denying, revoking or suspending licenses transferring to county clerks. State police will be responsible for background checks to ensure someone who’s not …

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Regulations On Transporting Medical Marijuana Called For

As state lawmakers weigh changes to the state’s medical marijuana law, law enforcement officials are advocating more regulation of transporting the drug. Legislation in Lansing is aimed at regulating the state’s medical marijuana industry by allowing for dispensaries, taxing them and creating a seed to sale tracking system. The bill …

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Lawmaker Promotes "Yes Means Yes" Legislation

A state lawmaker is pushing for support of a so-called “Yes Means Yes” legislation. The measure, sponsored by State Senator Curtis Hertel, would require sex education courses to expand the conversation involving consent. Hertel says a recent survey conducted on college campuses found unclear answers to questions like, if someone …

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MDOT Head Responds To Dianda's Criticism

The head of the Michigan Department of Transportation is responding to recent criticism from State Representative Scott Dianda. The Upper Peninsula lawmaker wants a no confidence vote against Kirk Steudle because Dianda thinks funds were mismanaged on projects like the I-696 corridor in Detroit, where mulch was used to spread …

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Toll Roads Still Supported By Some

While the legislature and the governor have put in place a new funding mechanism for road and bridge maintenance in Michigan, the package did not include anything about toll roads. But the idea of toll roads is still not being abandoned by many. Lance Binoniemi of the Michigan Infrastructure and …

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Final Day Of Firearms Deer Season

As the firearms deer season in Michigan comes to a close, so far, the take seems to be meeting what was forecast by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Chad Stewart of the DNR says while statewide participation numbers are down a bit, the harvest in the Lower Peninsula is …

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Scams Increase During the Holidays

Scammers get busier during the holidays. So says the president of the Better Business Bureau of Western Michigan. Phil Catlett says scammers go by the theory “you go fishing where the fish are.” He says people at this time of the year are more vulnerable, as they’re in a buying …

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Michigan Harvest Gathering Collects Enough For 2.1 Million Meals

The Food Bank Council of Michigan says they’ve collected enough in donations to provide 2.1 million meals for families in need since kicking off its annual collection campaign in September. The Michigan Harvest Gathering 25th Annual Giving Campaign has reached almost $400,000 in donations and 300,000 pounds of food. Food …

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