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New School Greenhouse and Garden For Houghton

Houghton-Portage Township Schools are getting a greenhouse and garden. The Board of Education unanimously voted to support the project, which was proposed by Sarah Geborkoff at Monday’s School Board meeting. Geborkoff, a science teacher at Houghton Middle School, says she had the idea years ago and has been planning it …

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Governor Lays Out New Flint Action Plan

Governor Rick Snyder has laid out a new action plan to help Flint recover from its water crisis. Highlights of the plan include a pilot project to replace 30 lead service lines out of the gate and plans to partner with the city to remove more lead service pipes. All …

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U.S. Sen. Peters Optimistic About Soo Lock Study

Michigan’s junior U.S. Senator is optimistic work could begin on a new lock at the Soo Locks in Sault Ste Marie after an Army Corps of Engineers study is released next year. Right now there is one large lock and two small ones, which allow ships to travel from Lake …

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DPS Agreement Reached

Legislative leaders in Lansing reportedly have reached agreement on a $700 million plan to reform Detroit schools by dividing the district in two, and making an entirely new district with a fresh start. The Detroit Free Press reports that a tentative agreement has been reached among leaders, but they must …

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DNR Awards $100,000 in U.P. Deer Habitat Improvement Grants

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has awarded a total of $100,000 in deer habitat improvement grants in the Upper Peninsula to be allocated between a dozen recipients. “This grant cycle was extremely competitive,” said Bill Scullon, DNR field operations manager from the Norway Field Office and grant program administrator. …

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The Hancock Education Association Announces HEA Scholarship

The Hancock Education Association once again announces its HEA scholarship for Hancock Central High School Alumni.  Former Hancock students who are juniors or seniors in the education program at their university are eligible. Applications are available at www.hancock.k12.mi.us.  Click on the high school tab and scroll down to “HEA Scholarship”. …

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January Unemployment Rates Rise Throughout Michigan

Seasonally unadjusted unemployment rates in January rose in all of the state’s 17 major labor market areas. State officials say total employment declined in most regions over the month. And labor force levels increased moderately in the majority of Michigan’s major labor market areas. State unemployment market expert Jason Palmer …

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