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CCISD Students Head Back To Auto Dealerships

Michigan Works! and the Copper Country Intermediate School District are working to bridge the gap between education and real life work experience by hosting Talent Tours. The Automotive Tech classes from the CCISD will be visiting three local dealerships in the Houghton County Area today. This tour will allow the …

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Critical Need For All Blood Types In The U.P.

The U.P. Regional Blood Center has played a critical role in the collection and distribution of blood in the Upper Peninsula for nearly 50 years. The center provides blood to 13 hospitals in the U.P. and all donations received through the center stay in the community. In addition to their …

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Houghton Accepts Annual Audit

The Houghton City Council accepted their audit for the 2015-16 year at their regular meeting Wednesday. City Manager Eric Waara said the audit showed an increase in net position over the previous year. Two items were noted–the city does not employ a certified public accountant, choosing instead to have a …

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Break In Snow Allows DPW To Catch Up

The unusual January thaw has had some benefits—it’s helped the city of Houghton’s DPW catch up on clearing away the snow. At their regular meeting Wednesday, Houghton City Manager Eric Waara told the city council work crews have been widening the streets at night and that they are looking forward …

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DOW Tops 20,000 For First Time

It is a major milestone on Wall Street–the DOW, closing above the 20,000 mark for the first time. David Sowerby, Vice President at Loomis Sayles was asked if the close was more than a psychological barrier? SOWERBY – 1 Sowerby suggests reaching the 20,000 mark should be good for everyone with …

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Holiday Sales End Up Down

Weaker than expected December sales undercut November gains, producing mixed holiday season results for Michigan’s retail industry, according to the Michigan Retail Index. Retailers’ holiday sales declined an average 0.2 percent from the 2015 holiday season. Forty percent of retailers registered gains, 42 percent declines and 18 percent said sales …

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