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Volunteers Still Needed For Great Bear Chase

The Great Bear Chase takes place this weekend on Swedetown Trails in Calumet. U.P. Health System—Portage Health and Fitness Manager Angela Luskin says things are looking great for the race. Luskin-030817-1 Volunteers are who make the race possible and there are still some needs for this weekend. Luskin-030817-2 Information to …

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Houghton Applying For Grants From The MDNR & DEQ

The Houghton City Council is giving the thumbs up to go ahead with an application for a Passport Grant from the Department of Natural Resources. The application would be for $30,500 for a warming house for the West Houghton Ice Rink. The city would match the funds if approved. The …

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Women Urged To Invest Money

March is Women’s Awareness month and during this month, Missy Speckler with Merrill Lynch says it’s a good time to remember to invest, don’t just dump money into a savings account. Speckler says have a bucket of money for pre-tax dollars, one for savings, one for emergencies.

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