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COVID accommodations ending

For several government bodies at the state and local level, Thursday marks the return to pre-pandemic operations. Cities and townships have been able to hold public meetings virtually since last March, but that ended at midnight. Gatherings will need to be in-person to satisfy the Open Meetings Act from now …

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Houghton Council reviews budget wish list

Houghton’s City Council met via Zoom Wednesday night to give members a chance to lay out a wish list of items they would like to see added to the budget for next fiscal year, or beyond. Manager Eric Waara reminded them that there will be federal funds coming in over …

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Isle Royale reopening April 16th

Separate announcements from the National Park Service and the Keweenaw Convention and Visitors Bureau are heralding the reopening of Isle Royale National Park. Boating access points, trails, and campgrounds on the island will be available for public use beginning Friday, April 16th. Park staff need to evaluate the condition of …

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Women advised to delay mammogram after vaccine

The Society of Breast Imaging has issued new guidance for women who have recently received the COVID-19 vaccine. After getting the Johnson and Johnson version, or the second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna options, it is recommended that you avoid mammograms for four to six weeks. Western UP Health …

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IRS warns about scam targeting colleges

The Internal Revenue Service posted a warning on its website Tuesday about a tax refund scam that targets college employees and students through .edu email addresses. The messages ask recipients to click a link provided in the body that redirects to data fields asking for sensitive information like your social …

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Mud season use can damage recreation trails

Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources is reminding bikers and hikers to treat trails gingerly in the coming weeks. As snows recede, water pools on dirt trails creating muddy conditions. The soft ground is malleable and can be damaged when used by mountain bikers or even those on foot. The DNR …

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COVID-19 calms again throughout the Copper Country

COVID-19 activity has not fallen to the lows seen in late February and early March, but Tuesday’s update represents a significantly better situation than in recent reports. In Houghton, Baraga, and Keweenaw Counties there were only 18 new cases over the weekend. That stands in stark contrast to the nearly …

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Grant application approved for Navy Street purchase

UPDATE: The City of Hancock has provided Keweenaw Report with the full presentation explaining the new logo and how it was designed. CoHancock-Logo-Concept-PresentationDownload The Hancock City Council held a snappy, 40-minute special session on Tuesday in which it approved three measures. It resolved a matter that had been tabled at …

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Local 4-H’er named to state council

Houghton-Keweenaw County 4-H member Micaela Geborkoff has been named to the statewide Youth Leadership Council. The body consists of only 12 members and any appointment requires a multi-stage application process. Geborkoff had to submit at least one reference and pass through a group interview session to get the nod. The …

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“Cat burglar” arraigned

52-year-old Warren Meyers of Calumet was arraigned Monday in 97th District Court for an incident that has earned him the “cat burglar” nickname on social media. He will stand trial for four felony charges, including Home Invasion – First Degree, Weapons/Firearms – Receiving and Concealing, Weapons/Firearms – Possession By A …

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