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Keweenaw Heritage Center opens

The summer season is here for the Keweenaw Heritage Center inside St. Anne’s Church in Calumet. In addition to being available for booked events like weddings, the center is finally able to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. The facility opens at 1:00 PM each weekday and admission is …

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City of Hancock Now Hiring

The City of Hancock is looking for a new employee to join their staff. The new position will be titled CEDAM Community Fellow for a 15-month contract. City Manager described the best candidate.  We are looking for someone that has had experience in a public governmental office would be great. …

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Pre-Charrette held in Dee Stadium

The City of Houghton held a pre-charrette meeting last Tuesday and Wednesday. The brainstorming session looked at the downtown chapter in the city’s master plan. Craig Waddell, a resident of Houghton, had this to say about the chance to talk with city officials on even footing.  Today and yesterday, its …

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Circle Power Weighs in on Stanton and Adams Townships

Circle Power is a renewable energy company who plans to develop twelve wind turbines near Stanton and Adams townships in Houghton County. Chris Moore, the company’s Vice President, said there were many factors that brought them to the copper country. The line we interconnect with is owned by ATC, but …

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Copper Island Academy near full enrollment

Principal Steve Aho says that Copper Island Academy enrollment is capped at 346 students for the fall and it is within 16 children of hitting that goal. While sign-ups have been generally even from kindergarten through eighth grade, being so close to the maximum means waiting lists are in place …

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Calumet Electronics is hiring

Keweenaw Report was able to reach out to Calumet Electronics’ Todd Brassard to discuss the company’s headquarters expansion and what that will mean for hiring in the area. KR: How long have the expansion plans been in the works? Todd Brassard: Since 2000 the electronics industry in the United States …

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New Isle Royale superintendent settling in

Denice Swanke’s last stop was Denali National Park in Alaska. She transferred to Isle Royale as superintendent last year and was able to oversee the tail end of seasonal research before the staff returned to the mainland. Swanke says she is still getting her feet wet, sometimes literally (she spent …

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COVID activity remains negligible

Copper Country Strong and the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department have sent their last regularly scheduled COVID update. Only seven new cases have occurred in Houghton, Keweenaw, and Baraga Counties since June 17th, two weeks ago. Vaccination rates have slowed. Houghton County went from 45.1 percent of its residents 16 …

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Waterfront reopened

In an update sent Thursday evening, the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department says the entire Houghton waterfront, including Kestner Park, is reopened to swimming, boating and other recreational activities. There is no sheen visible when observing from the air using drones, but pockets could remain near the shore. Any sheen, …

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State parks gear up for Independence Day

The campground at McLain State Park is full, and it will be a similar scene at Fort Wilkins for the holiday weekend. Supervisor Bob Wild says this is always in the running for the busiest time of the year. The fort tries to replicate life as it would have existed …

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