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Former Mayor and City Manger Barry Givens Will be Honored at the Governor’s Service Awards in Detroit Tonight

Down in Detroit tonight, the state’s Community Service Commission hosts their annual Governor’s Service Awards at the Fox Theater. During the pandemic the ceremony looked much different from it usual glitz and glam, having to operate, and award winners remotely. Just like many other events across the country during the …

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Hancock Seeking Applicants to Fill Lancour’s Vacant Council Seat

The next item for the city council to consider was how to rectify Michael Lancour’s election to the city council. Lancour is currently a member of the Hancock Public School Board. Originally he had plan to run for a vacant council seat during the 2022 city election. After realizing he …

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Hancock Police Millage Will Appear on the Next Tax Bill

Hancock residents last week approved all three ballot proposals dealing with Hancock Public School and the Hancock Police Department. The police millage passed through the election, with a vote of nearly two to one in favor of the proposed millage. The police millage is anticipated to raise 100,000 dollars for …

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Get Excited for Friends and Thanksgiving with Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly

In just one week friends and families will start to gather around together and share a great Thanksgiving feast. Though for some seniors in the area, finding a place to go or friends to be around can be difficult. And that is why the little brothers friends of the elderly …

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Giving Tuesday: 31 Backpacks

31 Backpacks works with schools  throughout the Copper Country to make sure every students has a full meal on the weekends, and even during school breaks. The effort that the organization takes on is large, and feeding hundreds of kids has not been untouched by issues with the economy. 31 …

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Brian Irizarry Named New Mayor of Houghton

Houghton’s city council will continue to look similar as it has over the last year. Each of the four councilors that ran for re-election this past week, won back their seats. While the councilors are still made up of Brian Irizarry, Jan Cole, Joan Suits, Craig Waddell, Bob Backon, Robert …

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November is National Hospice Care Month

November is National Hospice Care Month. Locally in Houghton Omega House, knows that the month is meant to honor the care providers who work in the hospice industry. But they also know that they could not provide the care they do, without the support of the community. That’s because their …

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Houghton County Joins 42 Others, Supporting an Amendment to the Michigan Auto Insurance Reform

Houghton County additionally has joined 42 other counties around the state encouraging officials in Lansing to make amendments to the Auto Insurance Reform Acts. When the state passed it’s auto insurance reform law a  couple of years ago, insurance companies were able to lobby for paying less money to reimburse …

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Houghton County Earmarks ARPA Fund for Airport Terminal Survey and A/C Units

Houghton County has also earmarked more funds from the American Rescue Plan. Last night during the commission meeting the county approved money for an airport terminal study, as well as replacing air conditioner units on the first and fifth floor of the courthouse. The county recently replaced two rooftops units …

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Hancock Purchases the Houghton County Arena for One Dollar

Houghton County will sell the Houghton County Arena to the city of Hancock for one dollar. Hancock has agreed to allow the MSU Extension Office to continue working out of the facility with no charge for a period of 10 years, and has also come to an agreement with the …

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