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Hancock Masterplan Meetings Next Week

Next week, there is a meeting to discuss the Hancock masterplans. Masterplans occur every five years for municipalities in Michigan to plan the continued development of the city. Hancock was recently designated as a Redevelopment Ready Community by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) last year. This means there is …

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Marquette Man Arrested on 13 Counts of Child Porn

A man in Marquette has been arrested for child porn charges. Samuel Walter Numikoski, 49, was arrested by the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force on April 6. It was learned he was viewing child sexually abusive content online, and evidence was seized after a search of his residence. …

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“Seeking Balance” Opening Reception Tonight

The opening reception for the art exhibition titled Seeking Balance is tonight from 6-7:30 at the Copper Country Community Art Center in downtown Hancock. The exhibition includes mixed media pieces created by Lynn Mazzoleni. Her artist statement refers to her art reflecting her internal conflicts during which she desired balance …

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Battle for 3rd Oldest Hockey Cup- Wolverines vs. Pioneers in Gibson Cup Tournament

Editor’s note: Games are scheduled to begin at 7:30, and doors open at 6:30. The Gibson Cup begins tomorrow evening at 6:30 in the Calumet Colosseum. Friday evening marks the first of 3 games through the weekend. Saturday, the game begins at 6:30 p.m. at Dee Stadium and on next …

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Little Brothers to Again Host Easter Ham Dinners

The Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) is serving an Easter Ham Dinner in 5 counties. They estimate over 1000 meals will be served Easter Sunday, April 9. Below are the corresponding places and times:  Hancock is serving dinner starting 2 p.m. at the Church of Resurrection. Houghton is …

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Millions Poured Into Repairing ATV Trail 3 (Dollar Bay to Lake Linden)

A huge construction project is being undertaken by the Keweenaw ATV Club along with the Keweenaw Snowmobile Club this summer. Over 340 different construction sites totaling over $8 million so far to repair the trail between Dollar Bay and Lake Linden (AKA Trail 3). The trail hasn’t seen tourism since …

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Michigan Tech Plans to Adopt Finlandia’s Nursing Program by Fall 2023

With the closure of Finlandia, Michigan Tech has started operations to integrate the nursing program from Finlandia. There are plans to have the program certified and implemented for the Fall 2023 semester.   “Our intent would be to bring the program over as intact as possible so we can can …

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Canal Run Continues Search for Sponsors and Volunteers

The Canal Run is searching for sponsors and volunteers to support them for their huge event on July 15. Health and Fitness Manager at UP Health System Portage, Angela Luskin, said, “Sponsorship is really vital to the Canal Run. It takes, you know, lots of different support within the community …

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Giving Employment Support to Those With Disabilities

Copper Country Community Mental Health (CCCMH) promoted their Community Employment Program on March 22. They work with local companies to offer services to employ those with a disability.  Community Employment Coordinator, Ardith Brown, said ” well the ADA defines a disability as like a physical or mental impairment that substantially …

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