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Fishing Seasons Open Up Across The U.P.

The fishing seasons for walleye, northern pike and muskellunge are now open for all U.P. waters. Regulations determined by the Natural Resources Commission mean anglers currently can catch and immediately release largemouth and smallmouth bass on all waters statewide. The possession season for bass opens for most locations statewide this …

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VA Bills Move Forward

Several bills designed to help veterans are moving forward, including three introduced by Congressman Dan Benishek. Benishek is chairman of the Subcommittee on Veterans Health which voted to approve the legislation. The bills included draft legislation to collect important information on the Veterans Health Administration to ensure that veterans fleeing …

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Vote Expected On “Logan’s Law”

Bills preventing known animal abusers from adopting a dog or cat are awaiting a vote in the Michigan House. The bills create “Logan’s Law,” named after a dog who had battery acid throw in its face. If enacted, the legislation would allow an animal shelter to search a database of …

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No Long-Term Road Solution Coming At This Time

It appears that once again Congress will not be approving a long term plan for highway funding, instead opting for a short-term highway bill. Some sort of funding bill is needed by the end of May. Reports say talks are ongoing regarding a long term solution, five years or longer. …

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Michigan Leading Great Lakes States In Job Growth

A new report shows, since the end of the Great Recession, Michigan has seen job growth of nearly 11 percent, better than the job growth of the other Great Lakes states. The study from the Pew Charitable Trust’s Stateline publication said Michigan also showed the 10th largest overall growth in …

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Lack Of Fertility Contributing To Lower Population

Michigan’s struggle to maintain its population is not just about finding ways for people to move here or stay here. It’s also about fertility. State Demographer Eric Guthrie told a gathering of lawmakers and economists on Friday in Lansing, that Michigan’s fertility rate has not been high enough to keep …

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Bill Protects Against Bad-Faith Patent Infringement Claims

A state Senate panel is considering legislation aimed at protecting Michigan businesses from bad-faith patent infringement claims. Bill sponsor, Senate Republican Margaret O’Brien, says often times a small business that receives a demand letter claiming patent infringement, will settle with the claimant rather than face an expensive lawsuit. She says …

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E-Cig Ban On Sales To Minors Moves Forward

A bill banning the sale of e-cigarettes to minors is making its way through the Michigan legislature. Governor Rick Snyder vetoed similar legislation at the beginning of the year because he didn’t think it went far enough. Snyder wants e-cigarettes classified as tobacco products — state Senator Rick Jones disagrees. …

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Greater Subpoena Powers Granted Under Bill

A Michigan House and Senate committee would have broader subpoena powers under a pair of bills awaiting a vote in the state House. The legislation would require a super majority vote from the Oversight committees and would give the minority party a say too. State Representative Ed McBroom is sponsoring …

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