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Smelly Landfills Targeted

Testimony opened in Lansing Wednesday on a proposal to increase fines on landfill owners who don’t obey regulations. It’s in response to a landfill in southwest Michigan, which residents say is stinking up the area. Current fines can be up to $10,000 a day and $25,000 for repeat violators. The …

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Senate Committee Hears Testimony on Energy Reforms

Opponents and supporters of proposed energy reforms in Michigan came to Lansing to tell lawmakers in a Senate committee what they think about the suggested changes. Alan O’Shea of CBS Solar says the reforms would change the state’s program that gives credits to solar panel users that give their excess …

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Solar Supporters Rally Against Changes to Net Metering

Solar panel supporters gathered in Lansing in opposition of proposed reforms to Michigan’s energy policies. About 60 people came together on the Capitol lawn for the Stand For Solar rally to express concern to changes being considered in a Senate committee they say would eliminate the state’s net metering program. …

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MI Civil Forfeiture Reforms Head to Senate

Bills to reform Michigan’s civil asset forfeiture laws are headed to the state Senate. Currently, police departments in Michigan can seize and keep the property of someone even if there is no conviction, which critics say incentivizes seizures. Holly Harris of the group Fix Forfeiture says the law is an …

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Lawmakers Adjourn Late Wednesday Night Without a Roads Plan

A plan to fix Michigan’s crumbling roads seemed to collapse under its own weight Wednesday forcing lawmakers to depart Lansing without an agreement. For starters, the governor didn’t like the idea of pulling $600 million out of the general fund to fund road repairs and House Minority Leader Tim Greimel …

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Bill Would Create A New Veteran’s Monument For Women

A bill introduced in the Michigan House would update the state’s veteran’s monument at the capitol and create a new monument honoring female veterans. State Representative Pam Faris is sponsoring the measure and says the veteran’s monument hasn’t been updated since the Vietnam War so it doesn’t include conflicts like …

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Teachers Attend Computer Science Integration Workshop At Michigan Tech

Sometimes even teachers have to study over the summer. Twenty school teachers from across Michigan have been attending a workshop at Michigan Tech this week. The workshop, called CS4All, helps teachers learn to integrate computer science and computational thinking into their classrooms. Sponsored by grants from Google, the workshop is …

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