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Snyder's Emails Subpoenaed As Part Of Class Action Lawsuit

Emails sent to and by Governor Rick Snyder relating to Flint’s water crisis have been subpoenaed as part of a class action lawsuit against the state. The subpoenas, which were delivered Monday, are also seeking text messages and other documents that passed through the governor, his staff or Flint’s former …

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Lawsuit Challenges Gag Order Bill

Local government and school officials are challenging a recently passed state law that blocks them from discussing ballot proposals 60 days before an election. Scott Eldridge, the lawyer representing the group bringing the lawsuit, says the measure is a gag order preventing public officials from addressing their constituents about matters …

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Recent Snowstorm Spurs Snowmobile Season

Thirty inches of snow will make life hard on anyone, but as usual the Copper Country finds a way to make the best of it. Since the season’s biggest storm struck the U.P. ten days ago, snowmobilers have begun to flock to the area. The winter tourism season had been …

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Heikinpäivä Concert To Feature Unique Folk Instrument

HANCOCK — It’s been played by folk musicians for more than 600 years, but the nyckelharpa isn’t an instrument that’s a regular part of the music scene in the Copper Country. Until now. Minnesota-based musicians Jaana Tuttila and Cheryl Paschke, both members of the Finn Hall Band, will perform a …

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Islamic Presentation At Michigan Tech

HOUGHTON — Although prayers are the most important act of worship in Islam, the religion goes beyond that to set divine regulations for all life activities in a very balanced way. The presentation by Dr. Ahmed Taha presents the Islamic concept of life and its teachings in directing the spiritual, …

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Winter Carnival Preparations Heating Up

It’s almost Winter Carnival time.  Student organizations at Michigan Technological University are perched on scaffolding under lights, working deep into the night on their gigantic snow statues, a month-long effort. The theme this year is “As snow accumulates at alarming rates, we show our love for the 50 states.”   Statues …

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Snyder Hires PR Firm To Handle Media During Flint Water Crisis

Governor Rick Snyder, amid the Flint water crisis, has hired a specialty public relations firm. In a statement, Snyder spokesperson Dave Murray says because of the extreme interest from the media, they’ve enlisted support, to help their staff stay focused on helping the people of Flint. Finn Partners, along with …

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