Home / Featured / Feeding America Returns to Ontonagon Tomorrow for the Next Mobile Food Pantry
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Feeding America Returns to Ontonagon Tomorrow for the Next Mobile Food Pantry

Another month has gone by. That means that Feeding America will make another of the group’s 2024 trips to Ontonagon County. Earlier this year Feeding America West Michigan and Copper Shores Community Health Foundation announced that after four years of partnering together the mobile food pantry will expand the number of opportunities to to pick up food throughout the year. The Ontonagon Mobile Food Pantry has already completed its first visit back in March and will return once a month until October. The Feeding America West Michigan semi-truck will arrive at the Ontongaogn Village Fire Hall at noon tomorrow. Those planning to pick up a box do not need to provide proof of need. Organizers do ask for a phone number or address so Feeding America can track data for the pantry’s impact. Boxes are dispersed on a first come first served. The Ontonagon Village Fire Hall is located at 315 River Street in Ontonagon. Find more information here.

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